Boutique Black Metal

Behemoth (Death Metal) - I Loved You at Your Darkest
1.Sniffing Solvents
2. Wolves ov Siberia
3. God = Dog
4. Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica
5. Bartzabel
6. If Crucifixion Was Not Enough
7. Angelvs XIII
8. Sabbath Mater
9. Havohej Pantocrator
10. Rom 5:8
11. We Are the Next 1000 Years
12. Coagvla

I Loved You at Your Darkest

note sur 20
Cet album I Loved You at Your Darkest est sorti : 2018.

Tracklist de I Loved You at Your Darkest

  1. Sniffing Solvents
  2. Wolves ov Siberia
  3. God = Dog
  4. Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica
  5. Bartzabel
  6. If Crucifixion Was Not Enough
  7. Angelvs XIII
  8. Sabbath Mater
  9. Havohej Pantocrator
  10. Rom 5:8
  11. We Are the Next 1000 Years
  12. Coagvla

Description de 'I Loved You at Your Darkest'

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