Boutique Black Metal

Cannibal Corpse (Death Metal) - Chaos Horrific
1.Overlords of Violence
2. Frenzied Feeding
3. Summoned for Sacrifice
4. Blood Blind
5. Vengeful Invasion
6. Chaos Horrific
7. Fracture and Refracture
8. Pitchfork Impalement
9. Pestilential Rictus
10. Drain You Empty

Chaos Horrific

Non noté
Cet album Chaos Horrific est sorti : 2023.

Tracklist de Chaos Horrific

  1. Overlords of Violence
  2. Frenzied Feeding
  3. Summoned for Sacrifice
  4. Blood Blind
  5. Vengeful Invasion
  6. Chaos Horrific
  7. Fracture and Refracture
  8. Pitchfork Impalement
  9. Pestilential Rictus
  10. Drain You Empty

Description de 'Chaos Horrific'

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