Boutique Black Metal

Graveland (Black Metal) - Thousand Swords
2. Blood of Christians on My Sword
3. Thousand Swords
4. The Dark Battlefield
5. The Time of Revenge
6. Born for War
7. Black Metal War
8. To Die in Fight
9. Outro

Thousand Swords

note sur 20
Cet album Thousand Swords est sorti : 1995.

Tracklist de Thousand Swords

  1. Intro
  2. Blood of Christians on My Sword
  3. Thousand Swords
  4. The Dark Battlefield
  5. The Time of Revenge
  6. Born for War
  7. Black Metal War
  8. To Die in Fight
  9. Outro

Description de 'Thousand Swords'

Un des premiers albums de black metal enregistré en Pologne.

Analyse de 'Graveland (Black Metal) - Thousand Swords'

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