Boutique Black Metal

Immolation (Death Metal) - Dawn of Possession
1.Into Everlasting Fire
2. Despondent Souls
3. Dawn of Possession
4. Those Left Behind
5. Internal Decadence
6. No Forgiveness (Without Bloodshed)
7. Burial Ground
8. After My Prayers
9. Fall in Disease
10. Immolation

Dawn of Possession

note sur 20
Cet album Dawn of Possession est sorti : 1991.

Tracklist de Dawn of Possession

  1. Into Everlasting Fire
  2. Despondent Souls
  3. Dawn of Possession
  4. Those Left Behind
  5. Internal Decadence
  6. No Forgiveness (Without Bloodshed)
  7. Burial Ground
  8. After My Prayers
  9. Fall in Disease
  10. Immolation

Description de 'Dawn of Possession'

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