1. | Battles in the North |
2. | Grim and Frostbitten Kingdoms |
3. | Descent into Eminent Silence |
4. | Throned by Blackstorms |
5. | Moonrise Fields of Sorrow |
6. | Cursed Realms of the Winterdemons |
7. | At the Stormy Gates of Mist |
8. | Through the Halls of Eternity |
9. | Circling Above in Time Before Time |
10. | Blashyrkh (Mighty Ravendark) |
Battles in the North
11note sur 20
- Type: Album
- Style: Black Metal
- Date: 15 Mai 1995
- Pays: Norvège
Cet album Battles in the North est sorti : 15 Mai 1995.
Tracklist de Battles in the North
- Battles in the North
- Grim and Frostbitten Kingdoms
- Descent into Eminent Silence
- Throned by Blackstorms
- Moonrise Fields of Sorrow
- Cursed Realms of the Winterdemons
- At the Stormy Gates of Mist
- Through the Halls of Eternity
- Circling Above in Time Before Time
- Blashyrkh (Mighty Ravendark)
Description de 'Battles in the North'
Battles in the North a été produit exclusivement par Abbath et Demonaz, avant qu'une rivalité amoureuse entre Abbath et la sœur de Demonaz ne vienne ternir leur amitié.
Analyse de 'Immortal (Black Metal) - Battles in the North'
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