Boutique Black Metal

Mayhem (Black Metal) - Grand Declaration of War
1.A Grand Declaration of War
2. In the Lies Where upon You Lay
3. A Time to Die
4. View from Nihil Part I
5. View from Nihil Part II
6. A Bloodsword and a Colder Sun Part I
7. A Bloodsword and a Colder Sun Part II
8. Crystalized Pain in Deconstruction
9. Completion in Science of Agony Part I
10. To Daimonion Part I
11. To Daimonion Part II
12. To Daimonion Part III
13. Completion in Science of Agony Part II

Grand Declaration of War

note sur 20
Cet album Grand Declaration of War est sorti : 1 Mai 2000.

Tracklist de Grand Declaration of War

  1. A Grand Declaration of War
  2. In the Lies Where upon You Lay
  3. A Time to Die
  4. View from Nihil Part I
  5. View from Nihil Part II
  6. A Bloodsword and a Colder Sun Part I
  7. A Bloodsword and a Colder Sun Part II
  8. Crystalized Pain in Deconstruction
  9. Completion in Science of Agony Part I
  10. To Daimonion Part I
  11. To Daimonion Part II
  12. To Daimonion Part III
  13. Completion in Science of Agony Part II

Description de 'Grand Declaration of War'

L'album qui marque le "retour" de Mayhem sur la scène de black metal. Sans Varg Vikernes, mais avec Necrobutcher. Sans Euronymous aussi.

Analyse de 'Mayhem (Black Metal) - Grand Declaration of War'

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