Boutique Black Metal

Morbid (Death Metal) - Skewered Beyond
1.Morbid Flesh
2. Skewered Beyond
3. Adoration of the Pig Lust
4. Lacerated Moon
5. Funeral Palace
6. Dream of a Dying Breath
7. Toxic Blood Dynasty (The Cutter)
8. Stab Wound Maniac
9. Death Metal Pimp
10. Erection in the Face of Death
11. Remains of the Decapitated
12. Touched Beastially in a Grave

Skewered Beyond

note sur 20
Cet album Skewered Beyond est sorti : 14 Février 2025.

Tracklist de Skewered Beyond

  1. Morbid Flesh
  2. Skewered Beyond
  3. Adoration of the Pig Lust
  4. Lacerated Moon
  5. Funeral Palace
  6. Dream of a Dying Breath
  7. Toxic Blood Dynasty (The Cutter)
  8. Stab Wound Maniac
  9. Death Metal Pimp
  10. Erection in the Face of Death
  11. Remains of the Decapitated
  12. Touched Beastially in a Grave

Description de 'Skewered Beyond'

Excellent album de brutal death metal par Morbid. Un chef d'œuvre de gore intense.

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