1. | Mark of the Necrogram |
2. | Odium Caecum |
3. | Tsar Bomba |
4. | Lamashtu |
5. | Sacrosanct |
6. | Pesta |
7. | Requiem for a Dying Sun |
8. | Crown of Horns |
9. | From the Great Above to the Great Below |
10. | Undergången |
Mark of the Necrogram
3note sur 20
- Type: Album
- Style: Death Metal
- Date: 23 Février 2018
- Pays: Suède
Cet album Mark of the Necrogram est sorti : 23 Février 2018.
Tracklist de Mark of the Necrogram
- Mark of the Necrogram
- Odium Caecum
- Tsar Bomba
- Lamashtu
- Sacrosanct
- Pesta
- Requiem for a Dying Sun
- Crown of Horns
- From the Great Above to the Great Below
- Undergången
Description de 'Mark of the Necrogram'
Pas de description pour cet album Mark of the Necrogram pour le moment.
Analyse de 'Necrophobic (Death Metal) - Mark of the Necrogram'
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