Boutique Black Metal

Necrophobic (Death Metal) - The Nocturnal Silence
2. Before the Dawn
3. Unholy Prophecies
4. The Nocturnal Silence
5. Inborn Evil
6. The Ancients Gate
7. Sacrificial Rites
8. Father of Creation
9. Where Sinners Burn

The Nocturnal Silence

Non noté
Cet album The Nocturnal Silence est sorti : 1993.

Tracklist de The Nocturnal Silence

  1. Awakening...
  2. Before the Dawn
  3. Unholy Prophecies
  4. The Nocturnal Silence
  5. Inborn Evil
  6. The Ancients Gate
  7. Sacrificial Rites
  8. Father of Creation
  9. Where Sinners Burn

Description de 'The Nocturnal Silence'

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Analyse de 'Necrophobic (Death Metal) - The Nocturnal Silence'

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