Boutique Black Metal

Phantom (Black Metal) - Dark Devotion
1.Infamy Nightmare
2. The Deathknell
3. Sons of Putrefaction
4. Red Fiend Harrower
5. Into the Shadows of Carnage
6. To Worship a Severed Head
7. Visions of Annihilation
8. Dead Goats and Ceremonials
9. Revelations in Bloodthirst
10. Dark Devotion

Dark Devotion

note sur 20
Cet album Dark Devotion est sorti : 1 Octobre 2014.

Tracklist de Dark Devotion

  1. Infamy Nightmare
  2. The Deathknell
  3. Sons of Putrefaction
  4. Red Fiend Harrower
  5. Into the Shadows of Carnage
  6. To Worship a Severed Head
  7. Visions of Annihilation
  8. Dead Goats and Ceremonials
  9. Revelations in Bloodthirst
  10. Dark Devotion

Description de 'Dark Devotion'

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