Boutique Black Metal

Phantom (Black Metal) - The Epilogue to Sanity
1.Mind Collapse
2. Autumn of Dreams
3. Temptation in Demise
4. Heaven's Monsters Reborn
5. A World of Silent Darkness
6. Endless Graveyard Pleasures
7. Premonition from the Bloodstained Throne
8. Under the Mask of Prayer
9. The Epilogue to Sanity

The Epilogue to Sanity

Non noté
Cet album The Epilogue to Sanity est sorti : 2019.

Tracklist de The Epilogue to Sanity

  1. Mind Collapse
  2. Autumn of Dreams
  3. Temptation in Demise
  4. Heaven's Monsters Reborn
  5. A World of Silent Darkness
  6. Endless Graveyard Pleasures
  7. Premonition from the Bloodstained Throne
  8. Under the Mask of Prayer
  9. The Epilogue to Sanity

Description de 'The Epilogue to Sanity'

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