Boutique Black Metal

Phantom (Black Metal) - From the Mouth of Madness
1.A Rude Awakening
2.Death Sorcerer
3.Spiritual Apocalypse
4.Devils Tower
5.Idolatry of the Black Skull
6.Rotting Flesh
7.Flame Tormentor
8.From the Mouth of Madness

From the Mouth of Madness

Non noté
Cet album From the Mouth of Madness est sorti : 24 Décembre 2013.

Tracklist de From the Mouth of Madness

  1. A Rude Awakening
  2. Death Sorcerer
  3. Spiritual Apocalypse
  4. Devils Tower
  5. Idolatry of the Black Skull
  6. Rotting Flesh
  7. Flame Tormentor
  8. From the Mouth of Madness

Description de 'From the Mouth of Madness'

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