Boutique Black Metal

Satanic Warmaster (Black Metal) - Exultation of Cruelty
1.A Black Circle of Death
2. Harken the Bells of Damnation
3. As Blood Snarls a Macabre Silhouette
4. I Inhale the Cruelty of Winter's Breath
5. Lord of Blood and Darkness - Der Drachenprinz
6. Exhale the Vapor of Starlit Tombs
7. Behold the Infernal Kingdom of Hell
8. A Dead Rose for a Dying World

Exultation of Cruelty

Non noté
Cet album Exultation of Cruelty est sorti : 13 Décembre 2024.

Tracklist de Exultation of Cruelty

  1. A Black Circle of Death
  2. Harken the Bells of Damnation
  3. As Blood Snarls a Macabre Silhouette
  4. I Inhale the Cruelty of Winter's Breath
  5. Lord of Blood and Darkness - Der Drachenprinz
  6. Exhale the Vapor of Starlit Tombs
  7. Behold the Infernal Kingdom of Hell
  8. A Dead Rose for a Dying World

Description de 'Exultation of Cruelty'

Album enregistré entre Avril 2021 et Septembre 2024.

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