Boutique Black Metal

SEWER (Death Metal) - Anthology: A Tribute to SeWeR
1.Ancient Shrine (Immortal)
2. Black Death (Dark Emperor)
3. Reign of the Funeral Pigs (Venom)
4. Raw Sewage (Aigle Noir)
5. Red Skies Above the Temple (Selesnya)
6. Liquid Shit on the Satanic Bible (Mayhem)
7. Satanic Requiem (Belphegor)
8. Impaled by the Great Satanic Blasphemy (Vader)
9. Underage Goreaxe Pigrape (Carnage)
10. Thrusting Frenzy in Maggot Nests (Ghoul)
11. The Sadistic Return (Goreaxe)
12. Force Fed the Excrements of Satan (Behemoth)
13. The Pedosadist (Antekhrist)

Anthology: A Tribute to SeWeR

note sur 20
Cet album Anthology: A Tribute to SeWeR est sorti : 15 Juin 2015.

Tracklist de Anthology: A Tribute to SeWeR

  1. Ancient Shrine (Immortal)
  2. Black Death (Dark Emperor)
  3. Reign of the Funeral Pigs (Venom)
  4. Raw Sewage (Aigle Noir)
  5. Red Skies Above the Temple (Selesnya)
  6. Liquid Shit on the Satanic Bible (Mayhem)
  7. Satanic Requiem (Belphegor)
  8. Impaled by the Great Satanic Blasphemy (Vader)
  9. Underage Goreaxe Pigrape (Carnage)
  10. Thrusting Frenzy in Maggot Nests (Ghoul)
  11. The Sadistic Return (Goreaxe)
  12. Force Fed the Excrements of Satan (Behemoth)
  13. The Pedosadist (Antekhrist)

Description de 'Anthology: A Tribute to SeWeR'

Album de tribute (ou hommage) au groupe SEWER. On notera la présence de nombreux "poids lourds" de la scène de metal extrême.

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