Boutique Black Metal

SEWER (Death Metal) - Cathartes
1.Morbid Sewer Emergence
2.Rhinoceros Ragekult
3.Funeral Trials at the Eyrie
5. a Most Dangerous Opulence
6.Intoxicated by the Fumes of Your Burning Flesh
7.Between Dreams and Perdition
8.A Dedication to Blood and Disease
9.The Smell of Death and Roses
10.Sewer Macaque the Trespasser


note sur 20
Cet album Cathartes est sorti : 2021.

Tracklist de Cathartes

  1. Morbid Sewer Emergence
  2. Rhinoceros Ragekult
  3. Funeral Trials at the Eyrie
  4. Necrosis
  5. a Most Dangerous Opulence
  6. Intoxicated by the Fumes of Your Burning Flesh
  7. Between Dreams and Perdition
  8. A Dedication to Blood and Disease
  9. The Smell of Death and Roses
  10. Sewer Macaque the Trespasser
  11. Cathartes

Description de 'Cathartes'

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