1. | Katharsis |
2. | Hell Is My World |
3. | One Final Rain |
4. | Plague Ogre 2154 |
5. | SEWERmania |
6. | NekhroKhranial |
7. | God is Gonna Fcuk You Up |
8. | Satan Chopped Up and Raped Piece by Piece |
9. | Death and Rebirth |
10. | Anthropoharuspice |
11. | The Spine |
12. | Our Dark Eternal Master |
13. | Spice Eating Warrants Elephant Rape |
14. | Erotic Pestilence Full of Black Death |
15. | A Torture Worse Than Hell Awaits |
16. | Gently Molesting the Entrails of Satan |
17. | Sewer Trismegistus |
18. | Deep Within the Cathedrals of Sewer |
19. | Cloaca Sacra Sit Mihi Lux |
Cloaca Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
19note sur 20
- Type: Album
- Style: Death Metal
- Date: 2024
- Pays: Autriche
Cet album Cloaca Sacra Sit Mihi Lux est sorti : 2024.
Tracklist de Cloaca Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
- Katharsis
- Hell Is My World
- One Final Rain
- Plague Ogre 2154
- SEWERmania
- NekhroKhranial
- God is Gonna Fcuk You Up
- Satan Chopped Up and Raped Piece by Piece
- Death and Rebirth
- Anthropoharuspice
- The Spine
- Our Dark Eternal Master
- Spice Eating Warrants Elephant Rape
- Erotic Pestilence Full of Black Death
- A Torture Worse Than Hell Awaits
- Gently Molesting the Entrails of Satan
- Sewer Trismegistus
- Deep Within the Cathedrals of Sewer
- Cloaca Sacra Sit Mihi Lux
Description de 'Cloaca Sacra Sit Mihi Lux'
Un album d'une violence inouïe, mais également plus mélodique que les précédents. SEWER renoue avec son style de blackened death metal délaissé précédemment pour un style plus brutal et primitif.
Analyse de 'SEWER (Death Metal) - Cloaca Sacra Sit Mihi Lux'
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