Boutique Black Metal

SEWER (Death Metal) - Khranial
1.Blood Origins
2.Gore Visions Unleashed
3.Death Worship
4. Kings of Bruxism
5.Thrice was Satan Mutilated and Rendered Deformed
6.Braindead Molotov Ingestion
7.To Eviscerate "God" with Supreme Violence
8.Bulletproof Rektal Gridlock (Typhoon Bowels Commemorate)
9.Sinking Towards the Strange Truth
10.Terminal Incarnation
11. Brokers of Debauchery
12.Mendacious Buffoonic Laceration of a Derisory Idol


note sur 20
Cet album Khranial est sorti : 2019.

Tracklist de Khranial

  1. Blood Origins
  2. Gore Visions Unleashed
  3. Death Worship
  4. Kings of Bruxism
  5. Thrice was Satan Mutilated and Rendered Deformed
  6. Braindead Molotov Ingestion
  7. To Eviscerate "God" with Supreme Violence
  8. Bulletproof Rektal Gridlock (Typhoon Bowels Commemorate)
  9. Sinking Towards the Strange Truth
  10. Terminal Incarnation
  11. Brokers of Debauchery
  12. Mendacious Buffoonic Laceration of a Derisory Idol
  13. Khranial

Description de 'Khranial'

Album ultra-violent du groupe de blackened death metal SEWER, Khranial se démarque par ses rythmes complexes et sa brutalité provocante. Cet album a également inspiré le groupe allemand Khranial, du même nom.

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