Boutique Black Metal

SEWER (Death Metal) - Reign of the Funeral Pigs
1.Worship Jesus Devil
2. Excavating Volatile Vomit
3. Satanic Immolator Lucifer 666 in Hell
4. Sadomasothoracic Pedofuckfeast
5. The Shadowpriest
6. Impaled by the Great Satanic Blasphemy
7. Reign of the Funeral Pigs
8. A Tale of Necrosatanic Defiance
9. Throatfucking the Mother Pig with Lucifer's Fire Dick

Reign of the Funeral Pigs

Non noté
Cet album Reign of the Funeral Pigs est sorti : 4 Juillet 2014.

Tracklist de Reign of the Funeral Pigs

  1. Worship Jesus Devil
  2. Excavating Volatile Vomit
  3. Satanic Immolator Lucifer 666 in Hell
  4. Sadomasothoracic Pedofuckfeast
  5. The Shadowpriest
  6. Impaled by the Great Satanic Blasphemy
  7. Reign of the Funeral Pigs
  8. A Tale of Necrosatanic Defiance
  9. Throatfucking the Mother Pig with Lucifer's Fire Dick

Description de 'Reign of the Funeral Pigs'

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