Boutique Black Metal

SEWER (Death Metal) - Rektal
2. Kadaver Seksual
3. Preteen Labial Exsanguination
4. Aberrant Urethral Placenta Commotion
5. Post-Mortem Telolecithal Embryonic Prostitute
6. Hyperpriapic Procrustean Goresaw to Defile the Cunt of Satan
7. Retrograde Prenatal Haruspicy on Seismologic Subintestinal Amygdala
8. Dark Satanic Sex with Satanic Demons and Satan Protoplasmic Vagina 666
9. Necrophobic Autosexual Reverence of Pedophallic Retroperitoneal Scatofoetal Gastronomy
10. Aquatile Sodomy to Heptahedral Obsequial Sphincter Sewage in the Mouth of Satan Crucifix
11. Rektal


note sur 20
Cet album Rektal est sorti : 21 Juin 2018.

Tracklist de Rektal

  1. Eldorado
  2. Kadaver Seksual
  3. Preteen Labial Exsanguination
  4. Aberrant Urethral Placenta Commotion
  5. Post-Mortem Telolecithal Embryonic Prostitute
  6. Hyperpriapic Procrustean Goresaw to Defile the Cunt of Satan
  7. Retrograde Prenatal Haruspicy on Seismologic Subintestinal Amygdala
  8. Dark Satanic Sex with Satanic Demons and Satan Protoplasmic Vagina 666
  9. Necrophobic Autosexual Reverence of Pedophallic Retroperitoneal Scatofoetal Gastronomy
  10. Aquatile Sodomy to Heptahedral Obsequial Sphincter Sewage in the Mouth of Satan Crucifix
  11. Rektal

Description de 'Rektal'

Album plus centré "melodeath" de SEWER. Assez rare pour être mentionné, le death metal "habituel" de SEWER étant plutôt du style bourrin, malsain et immonde.

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