Boutique Black Metal

SEWER (Death Metal) - Sewerlust
2. Impious Fecal Prolapsed Uterus
3. Revered Gods of the Divine Putrid
4. Decapitated by Satan's Rectal Pedorapist
5. Inner Pulsions of Acclaimed Demonic Patrimony
6. Holy Symphonies to Lacerate the Testicles of the Devil
7. Butchering the Infidel with Malevolent Orgasmic Jubilance
8. Infernal Torture and Vaginal Decapitation of Blasphemous Whores
9. Satanic Deflowering of Perverted Holy Cows
10. Unreal Ecclesiastical Sadomasopedothoracic Necrosodomy
11. Mutilation of the Devilgods
12. Sexual Sadism Imposed on Lucifer


note sur 20
Cet album Sewerlust est sorti : 1 Avril 2016.

Tracklist de Sewerlust

  1. Sewerlust
  2. Impious Fecal Prolapsed Uterus
  3. Revered Gods of the Divine Putrid
  4. Decapitated by Satan's Rectal Pedorapist
  5. Inner Pulsions of Acclaimed Demonic Patrimony
  6. Holy Symphonies to Lacerate the Testicles of the Devil
  7. Butchering the Infidel with Malevolent Orgasmic Jubilance
  8. Infernal Torture and Vaginal Decapitation of Blasphemous Whores
  9. Satanic Deflowering of Perverted Holy Cows
  10. Unreal Ecclesiastical Sadomasopedothoracic Necrosodomy
  11. Mutilation of the Devilgods
  12. Sexual Sadism Imposed on Lucifer

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