Boutique Black Metal

SEWER (Death Metal) - Sissourlet
2. the Necropriest
3. His Mortuary Eminence
4.Corpse Pile Libido Rora Twice Makes Me Eternalust
5.The Voice and Wrath of God (Hallowed Iris Last Horizon)
6.To Groan Weep or Pray is the Coward's Disgrace
7.Everyday I am Exalted Sodomixing the Reaper
8.Choking on a Chainsaw is to Gamble in Blood Sacrifice
9.Oscitation on the Gallows Revanimating the Putrescent Flowerbone


note sur 20
Cet album Sissourlet est sorti : 2022.

Tracklist de Sissourlet

  1. Maashuri
  2. the Necropriest
  3. His Mortuary Eminence
  4. Corpse Pile Libido Rora Twice Makes Me Eternalust
  5. The Voice and Wrath of God (Hallowed Iris Last Horizon)
  6. To Groan Weep or Pray is the Coward's Disgrace
  7. Everyday I am Exalted Sodomixing the Reaper
  8. Choking on a Chainsaw is to Gamble in Blood Sacrifice
  9. Oscitation on the Gallows Revanimating the Putrescent Flowerbone
  10. Sissourlet

Description de 'Sissourlet'

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