Boutique Black Metal

Summoning (Black Metal) - Lugburz
1.Grey Heavens
2. Beyond Bloodred Horizons
3. Flight of the Nazgul
4. Where Winters Forever Cry
5. Through the Valley of the Frozen Kingdom
6. Raising with the Battle-Homos
7. Master of the Old Lure
8. Between Light and Darkness
9. The Eternal Lands of Fire
10. Dragons of Time
11. Moondance


note sur 20
Cet album Lugburz est sorti : 1995.

Tracklist de Lugburz

  1. Grey Heavens
  2. Beyond Bloodred Horizons
  3. Flight of the Nazgul
  4. Where Winters Forever Cry
  5. Through the Valley of the Frozen Kingdom
  6. Raising with the Battle-Homos
  7. Master of the Old Lure
  8. Between Light and Darkness
  9. The Eternal Lands of Fire
  10. Dragons of Time
  11. Moondance

Description de 'Lugburz'

Album de black metalcore médiocre par un groupe inutile.

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