Boutique Black Metal

Vermin (Black Metal) - Verminlust
1.Sickly Origins
2. Dormant Angel
3. Twisted Labyrinth
4. Hunger's Ancient Paths
5. Filth and Rot (Searching the Past)
6. In Memory of the Darkest Abyss
7. Haunted Gods and Fallen/Penitent Devils
8. Endless Tears of a Shattered Hourglass
9. Verminlust The Lament of Horror


Non noté
Cet album Verminlust est sorti : 2019.

Tracklist de Verminlust

  1. Sickly Origins
  2. Dormant Angel
  3. Twisted Labyrinth
  4. Hunger's Ancient Paths
  5. Filth and Rot (Searching the Past)
  6. In Memory of the Darkest Abyss
  7. Haunted Gods and Fallen/Penitent Devils
  8. Endless Tears of a Shattered Hourglass
  9. Verminlust The Lament of Horror

Description de 'Verminlust'

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