Boutique Black Metal

Warkvlt (Black Metal) - Bestial War Metal
2. Nuklear Satan
3. Kings of Satan's Realm
4. At War with the Sons of Satan
5. Following the Hordes of War
6. Immortal Rage of the Warkvlt
7. Blackened Gore and Destruction
8. Satanic Gruesome Terror
9. Unholy Flames of Warlust
10. Bestial War Metal

Bestial War Metal

Non noté
Cet album Bestial War Metal est sorti : 21 Février 2019.

Tracklist de Bestial War Metal

  1. Warbeast
  2. Nuklear Satan
  3. Kings of Satan's Realm
  4. At War with the Sons of Satan
  5. Following the Hordes of War
  6. Immortal Rage of the Warkvlt
  7. Blackened Gore and Destruction
  8. Satanic Gruesome Terror
  9. Unholy Flames of Warlust
  10. Bestial War Metal

Description de 'Bestial War Metal'

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